WEEK TWENTY November 18, 2013
We are in the process of assisting four brethren in
preparing to receive the Melchizedek Priesthood. In fact, as the number expanded
I felt the need to create a teaching schedule and outline for them to follow.
Right on cue the number of priesthood blessings has risen as well this week; two
for comfort which were immediately answered; one for a medical procedure that
caused great dread in the sister but worked our “miraculously” for her, and
another for a little boy hurt in an accident whose facial wounds were healed
within the week to the delight of his parents. So the Lord in His goodness was
a special blessing to four individuals in need this week and we were blessed to
witness His comfort and aid.
Doctrine of the
Plan of Salvation
Journey of
Atonement of Jesus Christ
Justice and Mercy
Dispensations, Apostasy and Restoration
Priesthood Keys
Reestablished not
What is the
What are Priesthood Keys?
Oath and Covenant
of the Priesthood
Difference between
Power and Authority
Ordination and
Setting Apart
Role of Priesthood
in the Family
Patriarchal Order
of the Priesthood
In fact this has been a week of blessings. In the Newport
Temple this week on a ward assignment felt a prompting to put the names of one
of our grandchildren on the temple prayer roll. Seemed like a strange request
to me but I so enjoy praying about those the Lord has asked me to pray for and
this was very similar. So I entered the name. When I got home I told Jan what I
had done and how surprising it was to me. She said, “Call his mother and you’ll
know why.” I did and learned that I had a grandson in need. To think that the
Lord in His caring style would prompt me to do something for him in his behalf
without me even knowing about the situation was nearly overwhelming and as I
have thought about it since the personally seeing the touch of the Master’s
Hand has taken on even a greater meaning to me.
Sunday the Nineteen family had promised to come to church.
We stopped by on Saturday and reconfirmed with them and I gave them a little
write up I had prepared for them entitled the Oneness of the Father and Son.
Well Saturday night I found myself transported back to a 19 year-old
missionary. Praying feverishly, awakening several times during the night asking
such questions as: will they come, will the talks be right, will the meeting
schedule work, will they relate well to the ward members, will they fit it,
etc. We had ward council early that morning so I apprised every one of their
attendance. Right as the meeting was to start they came walking up the aisle.
Jan had saved some seats in the chapel and we sat with the two of the between
us. They have expressed a concern about the lifestyle changes required for
membership in the church. The speakers were from the high council. The first
spoke about the demands the Church places on us and used several of the ten
commandments showing their modern application for us today. The next high
council speaker spoke about his neighbors who into three discussion bailed
because they weren’t ready to take on the time commitments but then explained
how what the family had missed was how much he enjoyed being active in the
Kingdom and serving others. Sunday school the same issue came up and several in
the class shared their ideas and how easy it had been whereas prospectively it
had appeared daunting. During Priesthood meeting it came up again and the group
leader explained how the Holy Ghost modifies and changes ones feelings, likes
and desires as we come unto Christ. A couple of brethren came up to Brother
Nineteen and introduced themselves saying they had been in his home when he had
first investigated the church ten years or more ago. They participated in
Sunday school and Jan said the sister did in Relief Society as well. After the
block I took them on a tour of the building and the bishop graciously invited
them into his office to visit with them. Sister Nineteen was in tears several
times throughout the day and told me “every talk and meeting was directed to
us.” Brother Nineteen said, “Everything felt just right. I loved being here.
Felt at home. There is a special warm feeling here.” They decided not to go
home immediately to their yapping dogs as they wanted some quiet time to talk
together. Priesthood opening exercises were a little rowdy especially with one
of the bishop’s sons putting on a performance so Brother Nineteen leaned over
and whispered to me, “I remember it being more serious before.” During the high
priest meeting he leaned over again, “This is how I remember it.” So all my
concerns and anxiety and everything turned out better than I could have even
hoped for.
Met with Nineteen family early in the week and had a
discussion on the Book of Mormon. Had given them Helaman 5 and 2nd
Nephi 31 to read which they had done and came prepared with written outlines
and questions from each chapter. She pointed out verse 14 in 2nd
Nephi with its warning that if one falls away after baptism “better for you
that ye had not known me,” and said, “Years ago when I had looked into the
Church, I remember this verse and it frightened me. I wasn’t ready then. I told
the Lord I wasn’t ready. But now it’s different. There is a different feel
about it.” Brother Nineteen again born testimony to the truthfulness of the
gospel and said, “I know I’ll be baptized sometime before I leave this life.”
The difference even he recognizes is that this time his wife is serious about
investigating which is the thing he had apparently wanted all along.
Found an excuse to go by and visit with the Fifteen family
and were warmly welcomed. She shared the joy and tears she felt when her
children walked up to the front of the chapel to participate in the Primary
children. It came rushing out with such force I believe the husband was touched
as well. Hope to get him to church someday. He would be such an asset to the
Brother Twenty told us at our meeting that he had set a goal
of January to be ready to receive the Melchizedek Priesthood, his two year
anniversary since being baptized.
Zone Training focused on planning the last half hour of each
day and made it sound like drudgery and a great sacrifice. We even heard the
suggestion that the Lord wanted it done than because that was the hardest time
to do it and therefore the greater sacrifice. Throughout the training I
received powerful promptings using the creation as a pattern for effective training.
So the next morning in my personal study time I put together this little
outline on the thoughts that came to me during the zone meeting.
Gerald R. Haddock
Heavenly Father taught us the importance of planning and the
pattern we should follow in our planning, when He shared experiences relative
to the creation of this earth.
Counsel together. They counseled among
themselves. (Abraham 5:1-3)
Establish our principal objective. To bring to
pass the immortality and eternal life of man. (Moses 1:39)
Review prior plans and performance. The grand
councilors sat at the head in yonder heavens and contemplated the creation of
the worlds which were created at that time. (TPJS 348-349)
Visualize the objective being accomplished. All
things were created spiritually before they were naturally upon the earth.
(Moses 3:5)
Set deadlines. On the seventh time we will end
our work. (Abraham 5:2)
Make Decisions. Thus were their decisions at the
time that they counseled among themselves. (Abraham 5:3)
Covenant and act according to the plan. The Gods
acted according to all that which they had said. (Abraham 5:4)
There are at least two critical reasons missionary daily
planning is done the evening before.
A careful review of the current day, comparing
that day’s plan with performance, measures performance and enables tools
necessary to make adjustments in our planning and performance the following
It opens the windows of heaven allowing the
whisperings of the Spirit and dreams of the night to settle upon us as the dews
from heaven, bringing to our understanding such minor corrections, as may be
necessary, enabling us to effectively implement our plan the Lord’s way.
Planning the evening before is not a sacrifice, rather an
opportunity the Lord extends to increase our efficiency and prepare His way.
Such planning increases our sensitivity to the voice of the Spirit and
recognition of the will of the Lord, and instills confidence in our plan and
power in our actions.
In fact during this week also wrote articles on Oneness of the
Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost as well as Priesthood Authority Necessary.
All little bite size pieces four pages or less.
Received a call from the One family. He being worried that
they had missed us last week. We hadn’t come by because of her recent knee
surgery and Jan’s infectious coughing. But it was nice to hear they had missed
us. Said Sister One, “My husband so enjoys visiting with Elder Haddock. He felt
so badly that he may have missed a visit this week because he didn’t get to the
door fast enough. On Sunday, Sister Four had similar comments asking us to come
to dinner with them and begin teaching her husband.
We had dinner this week with Elder and Sister Litchfield
from Payson, Utah. He is the Finance person for our mission and she the
secretary. Great couple. Fun to be with them. We’re both hoping we can make a
visit to Los Angeles Temple Christmas decorations this season.
Met with the Six Family. I think we became acquainted and
friends with them in the pre-earth life. Hit it off with them marvelously. Had
quite a discussion of marriage and divorce, what a bishop does when he
counsels, how he treats things, what causes divorce, when proper, etc.
Finished the week after church visiting with a Sister
Twenty-three in a nursing home. After some time were able to communicate somewhat
with her and she accepted an invitation for us to visit with her frequently.
She is in a sad situation physically and Jan was stunned to learn she was our
age. Reminded of many of the things we saw in Jan’s mom when she was in her
One of the finest missionaries I knew in the mission field as a young man was Elder Paul Searle who recently wrote "I am enjoying your mission tremendously." If this blog is useful to him as our son-in-law Mark Wadsworth has said it is useful to him, then I guess it is not much of a sacrifice to take the time to record these thoughts.